Our Response to COVID-19




March 16, 2020.




Big Brothers Big Sisters provides mentoring to build positive healthy relationships which is critical to childhood development. That being said, it is also our responsibility as an organization to ensure that everyone involved in our programming stays healthy and takes the proper precautions in an event such as this. Effective immediately, BBBSPV has decided to pause all programming for 4 weeks. We will reassess as we receive information from Health Officials. This includes Traditional Community Matches and In-School Matches. GoGirls programming will be postponed until the next school year. We encourage matches continue their mentoring relationships through phone, email or text for the time being.

While this is a difficult decision as we recognize the benefit and importance of our mentoring relationships, given the evolving situation and latest information from Public Health Officials, is it recommended that all Manitobans practice social distancing. We make these decisions in an abundance of caution, and will reassess the situation when it is safe to do so. Staff will continue to be reachable by phone or email, if you have any questions regarding your involvement with our programs.

If you have any questions, please contact Jenelle Neufeld, Executive Director for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Pembina Valley.

For more information please see the attached updated Current Risk Status from Manitoba Health Officials:



Thank you,

Jenelle Neufeld
Executive Director